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Скачать с ютуб Nuna PRUU Convertible Car Seat I Safety comes full circle I Features в хорошем качестве

Nuna PRUU Convertible Car Seat I Safety comes full circle I Features 8 месяцев назад

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Nuna PRUU Convertible Car Seat I Safety comes full circle I Features

The PRUU isn't just along for the ride. It leads the way in setting a new standard for style and safety that evolves year after mile. Tailored for versatility, the PRUU convertible car seat provides secure rides for your newborn and adapts as your little one blossoms into a spirited toddler. Innovative safety remains at the forefront with the Smart-swivel lock feature that ensures transitions from rear to forward-facing mode don't happen before it's time. Adjustability, luxurious comfort, and a timeless design also take center stage, and promise your little explorer will be surrounded by stylish safety from beginning to end. Because family travels are all about the journey, not just the destination. For more details, please visit: ****************************** STAY CONNECTED WITH US : Subscribe to our YouTube channel – Like us on Facebook –   /   Follow us on Instagram –   / nuna_international  
