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Скачать с ютуб The Crew Motorfest - KTM 450 EXC Street - Test Drive/Customization/Tuning/Performance в хорошем качестве

The Crew Motorfest - KTM 450 EXC Street - Test Drive/Customization/Tuning/Performance 11 месяцев назад

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The Crew Motorfest - KTM 450 EXC Street - Test Drive/Customization/Tuning/Performance

The KTM 450 also did get a street version when it first launched on TC1's Wild Run update. Those who played back then knows how fucked this bike was. So much so that it basically made IVT release a balance patch some months later because it trivialized the Street Class THAT much. It then was brought to TC2 and now TCM. It looks really nice since its supposed to be a super bike, though the wheels could be bigger or the bike lower. It is very twitchy on corners and it can be prone to spin out when in tight turns, so a stiffer suspension was necessary. But, thanfully that means that it corners sharply, which can be very benefical in grand races.
