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Mandala dance in the loving hug of Nature 1 год назад

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Mandala dance in the loving hug of Nature

Sacred Mandala Dance in a loving hug of Nature, Turkey. "Flow in the ocean of Life. I create Life through myself and being together one with All. All from the same source. Similar and authentic at the same in the Mandala of Life. In the sacred Mandala dance." Aistė Samulienė Dancing: Mandala dance teachers from all over the world. The creator and master of this beautiful practice is Maya Mandala. Video: Aleksey Suvorov Music: Jean-Marc Staehle's "Memories of Atlanties" #mandala #mandaladance #sacredgeometry #floweroflife #divinefeminine #memoriesofatlanties #sacreddance WHERE TO JOIN PRACTICES WITH AISTE 🌊ONLINE exercises based on the Mandala dance system in English. For woman. Every Thursday 10:00-11:00 AM Lithuania time, EEST, on Zoom (recording available limited time). [email protected] 🌊 In-person classes in Vilnius, Lithuania, Tuesdays evening [email protected] 🌊Workshop "Chakra walk and Mandala dance" with Mike Booth and Aiste Samuliene June 14-17th 2024 in the UK, DevAura. LINK: 🌊Mandala dance women retreat on the Baltic seaside Lithuania 2-7 July 2024. English with translation into German. LINK: 🌊In Lithuanian: LIVE: Vilnius every Thursday 7:30-9:15 PM Aiste shares about FEMININE EMBODIMENT here:   / aiste.samuliene     / aiste_samuliene  
