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Curators' Introduction | Monochrome: Painting in Black and White | National Gallery Трансляция закончилась 7 лет назад

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Curators' Introduction | Monochrome: Painting in Black and White | National Gallery

Jennifer Sliwka and Lelia Packer, curators of 'Monochrome: Painting in Black and White', introduce the exhibition. Monochrome: Painting in Black and White 30 October 2017 – 18 February 2018 Sainsbury Wing Members go free. Pre-book tickets online and save: Explore the tradition of painting in black and white from its beginnings in the Middle Ages through the Renaissance and into the 21st century. Painting using predominantly black-and-white pigments has long held a fascination for artists, yet there has never been a major exhibition on the subject. ‘Monochrome’ presents a series of case studies that investigate where and when grisaille painting was used and to what effect: from early religious works to paintings that emulate sculpture or respond to other media such as printmaking, photography, and film. Comprising works on glass, vellum, ceramic, silk, wood, and canvas by artists such as Rembrandt, Picasso, and Gerhard Richter (1932–), ‘Monochrome’ encourages visitors to trace the fascinating but little-studied history of black-and-white painting. Exhibition organised by the National Gallery in collaboration with Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf. Subscribe to be the first to know about all our new videos: Like the National Gallery on Facebook:   / thenationalgallery   Follow the National Gallery on Twitter:   / nationalgallery   Follow the National Gallery on Instagram:   / national_gallery  
