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Gabby Barrett - "The Good Ones" (Official Music Video) 5 лет назад

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Gabby Barrett - "The Good Ones" (Official Music Video)

Gabby Barrett - "The Good Ones" (Official Music Video) Listen to "The Good Ones" here: LYRICS: He’s a phone call to his parents He’s a bible by the bed He’s the t-shirt that I’m wearing He’s a song stuck in my head He’s solid and he’s steady like the Allegheny runs He knows just where he’s going And he’s proud of where he’s from One of the good ones He’s one of the good ones Chorus: A love me like he should one Like he wrote the book one The kind you find when you don’t even look one Anybody can be good once But he’s good all the time He’s one of the good ones And he’s all mine He’s one of the good ones You’ll know him when you see him By the way he looks at me You’d say he hung the moon I’d say he hung the galaxy Nobody does it better Oh the way he pulls me in I’ve known a couple bad ones But they all led me to him He’s one of the good ones Chorus We should all find us one They’re out there, minus one Some of the good ones Yeah, I got a good one Chorus Haven't heard Gabby's new single, "I Hope"? Check out the official video here:    • Gabby Barrett - I Hope (Official Musi...   Follow Gabby on socials here: Facebook:   / gabbybarrett5   Twitter:   / gabbybarrett_   Instagram:   / gabbybarrett_   Website: #GabbyBarrett #TheGoodOnes #IHope
