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Скачать с ютуб "The Angry Beavers" Theme Song (HQ) | Episode Opening Credits | Nick Animation в хорошем качестве

"The Angry Beavers" Theme Song (HQ) | Episode Opening Credits | Nick Animation 8 лет назад

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"The Angry Beavers" Theme Song (HQ) | Episode Opening Credits | Nick Animation

Watch the original theme song and opening credits of The Angry Beavers, as part of Nickelodeon's 25 Years of Animation celebration! The Angry Beavers was created by Mitch Schauer and premiered on August 19, 1997 -- the 8th official Nicktoon. The series revolves around Daggett and Norbert Beaver, two brothers who leave home to live alone in the forest near Wayouttatown, Oregon. It ran on Nickelodeon for 63 episodes over 4 seasons. Visit Nick Animation around the web: Official Website: Facebook:   / nickanimation   Tumblr:   / nickanimation   Twitter:   / nickanimation   Instagram:   / nickanimation  
