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良友理发室 Liong Yu Barber Shop 5 лет назад

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良友理发室 Liong Yu Barber Shop

随着“咔滋、咔滋”声飘落一地的碎发,是理发师傅以熟练的手法操控手中那把小剪刀,从耳边、额前、脑后精准地剪过。位于柔佛州新邦令金(Simpang Renggam)巴刹附近历经半世纪洗礼的老店铺中,其中一间以木墙木门玻璃窗则是良友理发室。店内装潢朴实无华,两张超过50年的理发椅和各式理发工具,其中有一块供小孩垫坐的木板自开店时期至今仍未变换。惟传统的手剪随着时代的变迁改成了用电剪。 传统理发室一般在小地方常见,价格经济亲民,厚道地提供三十分钟至一小时的细心服务。不同于购物商场里的十五分钟快速理发店,为生活步伐匆忙的城市人提供简洁便利的服务。近年品牌连锁发廊沙龙的崛起,华丽的装潢和先进的器材,在职理发师皆为技职学院毕业。提供了洗剪吹之外,还有染发、烫发诸如此类的造型设计,甚至还有护发配套和美甲服务,有些价格昂贵让人乍舌。相较之下,传统理发室顾客有着更加实在的享受,不单止是三千青丝变得齐整,还可以选择增加剃除脸上细毛、刮胡子等,甚至少见的掏耳垢这项特别服务。 八十三高龄的余益光眼睛仍旧雪亮,凭籍一盏灯泡的昏黄灯光仔细为顾客掏耳垢,身旁消毒药水和一套银制工具如耳挑、钳夹、耳耙,若不慎误伤也不会引起发炎。为在地几代人理过一头发丝的余师傅,说起理发师这个行业及所用的工具如数家珍般滔滔不绝,熟客中有自小随父亲来剪头发,到如今身在国外返乡后仍然回到理发室光顾。目前,余师傅的主要顾客群为当地马来人和华人,多为年长一辈,及少数小孩。 回忆起十几岁在新加坡当学徒时期,余师傅经济拮据,全靠着意志力拼搏,挨过一年半的学徒生涯。在早期工作缺乏的大环境下,学习一门手艺,让余师傅掌握了一技之长,提供了独立和经济能力。尤其理发,是当年少有的既不用在曝晒或风雨中劳作,且收入稳定不必烦恼三餐温饱的工作。余师傅就业后几经辗转,机缘巧合下回到家乡自立门户。一张1968年开店创业时的价格表,是余叔叔挚友的墨宝,至今完好保存,纪念他一路走来不易的点点滴滴,也见证了理发行业的转变。 时光流转,老旧的店铺内记载着浓厚的人情味和温馨的记忆。传统理发室从以前的激烈竞争,到市场不景气而使理发师们移民或改行,到如今与余师傅同辈的理发师相继退休或离世。虽然日子越剪越短,和顾客们的感情却越剪越长。 Along with the snipping sounds of scissors, cascades of hair fall onto the ground, the barber deftly maneuvers a pair of small scissors, cleanly clipping from beside the ears, in front of the forehead, and the back of the head. In a row of half-century old shops situated near Simpang Renggam Wet Market, spot Kedai Gunting Liong Yu with clear glass panes on its wooden walls and door. The interior of the shop is simple and inelaborate, consisting of two barber chairs which are over 50 years old and all sorts of barber tools, among these a wooden plank used for elevating children on the seat, unchanged since the opening of the shop. However the traditional manual hand cutting method using scissors is replaced by electrical shears. Traditional barber shops are commonly found in small towns, with an economical modest price, offering honest service ranging from half an hour to one whole hour. It is entirely different from 15-minute speed haircut shops found in shopping malls which offer convenient and fast service for city folk leading a hectic lifestyle. In recent years, branded hair salon chains blossomed, with ornate interior furnishing and advanced equipment, hair stylists on duty all graduated from vocational colleges. Besides hair wash, cut and blow dry, they also offer services such as dyeing, perm, hairstyle design, and even hair treatment and nail decoration, at a startling exorbitant price. In comparison, customers of traditional barber shops enjoy a more substantial service, not only obtaining a neat and clean hairstyle, there are also additional options such as facial hair removing, beard trimming, as well as earwax removal, an exceptional service rarely seen in barber shops. 83-year-old Master Yu Yee Kong still has eyes like a hawk, carefully performing earwax removal by the dim lighting of a yellow light bulb, with antiseptic liquid and a set of tools made of silver consisting of an ear pick, extraction forceps, and ear rake. In the case of accidental injuries, silver tools would not cause infection. Mr Yu has been performing haircuts on up to four generations of local residents, he is especially eloquent when talking about the barbering industry and the treasurable tools used. Among his regular customers, there are some whose father brought them for a haircut since childhood, till now they work overseas and still visit his barber shop whenever back in their hometown. At present, the main customers of Mr Yu are local Malays and Chinese, mostly of the older generation, just a handful of children. Reminiscing his life as an apprentice at Singapore in his teenage years, Mr Yu endured financial hardships with his constant persistence, working hard throughout his 18-month apprenticeship. In the earlier days where there was a lack of job openings, by picking up a skill Mr Yu mastered a trade which enabled him to work independently and support himself financially. Back then barbering was one of those rare jobs which does not require hard labour, no exposure to extreme weather conditions, able to generate a stable income and address essential needs. Often moving around since he started working, Mr Yu came across an opportunity to establish his own shop in his hometown. The original price list during setting up shop in 1968, a piece of calligraphy by Mr Yu’s friend, is well kept until the present, memorabilia of his challenging journey of being a barber, as well as a witness to the changes in the barbering industry. With the passage of time, humane touch and warm memories fill the old shop front. From the ever-competitive past of traditional barber shops, to the decline in market demand causing barbers to relocate or switch careers, till now barbers within the same generation as Mr Yu eventually retire or pass away. Although the operating days are getting shorter, the relationship with customers become longer. #有你UNI #UNIGallery #马来西亚有你 #有你 #UNI #uniness #uninessmalaysia 文 Text/ 潘慧雯 Pua Hui Wen © 2019 ECHINOIDEA SDN BHD
