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Большая Сковорода Баранины по Турецки !

Cooking a Large Frying Pan of Flavorful Turkish Lamb and Veggies! 🌟 Welcome back to my channel, food lovers! 🌟 Today, I'm bringing you a culinary adventure straight from the heart of Turkey. We're diving into a delicious and hearty dish: a Large Frying Pan of Turkish Lamb! 🍖🇹🇷 In this video, watch as we transform simple ingredients into a mouthwatering masterpiece. We start by sautéing onions and mutton, creating a savory base that will tantalize your taste buds (01:02). Next, we add an array of fresh vegetables to the mix, including sweet peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes, which bring vibrant colors and flavors to the dish (02:39, 03:23, 04:21). And don't forget the perfect balance of spices—salt and pepper—to enhance the natural goodness of our ingredients (03:13, 03:18). But that's not all! This recipe has a unique twist. We'll also be incorporating hot pepper for an extra kick, and a touch of sweet delight with jam and white cherry to bring it all together (05:04, 07:33, 07:39). Trust me, you don't want to miss the final result—it's super! (11:00) If you love exotic flavors and want to learn how to make this traditional Turkish dish, hit that play button and join me on this culinary journey. Make sure to watch until the end for some pro tips and a special serving suggestion that will impress your family and friends. 🔔 Don’t forget to subscribe and click the bell icon so you never miss out on my latest cooking adventures. If you enjoy the video, give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below letting me know what you think or what you’d like to see next! Subscribe friends to our instagram Cooperation via direct:   / big_chef_cooking   And facebook   / bigchefcooking   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friends thank you for watching Subscribe to my channel I will delight you with new videos    / @bigchefcooking   I suggest you look at the playlist here are all my videos    • POTTED MEAT ! RURAL DISH   #TurkishLamb #CookingAdventure #DeliciousDishes #FoodLovers #TraditionalRecipe#meat #recipe #village 🍴 Happy cooking, and see you in the kitchen! 🍴
