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Скачать с ютуб Johnnie Jackson - Fueling 2020 в хорошем качестве

Johnnie Jackson - Fueling 2020 4 года назад

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Johnnie Jackson - Fueling 2020

"You cant half commit to anything! You have to be mentally and physically in tune to do any of this." Johnnie Jackson together with GASP CEO Michael Johansson dig into the events of 2019 that reignited Johnnie's fire to compete, give back to the bodybuilding community and spread training knowledge through out the world. "I cant wait to get to the gym, I cant wait to workout. Its crazy, and i cant explain it other than all the events of 2019 and the success of everything that we did. You cant help to run off of that energy and to keep fueling it!" It is on in 2020! Dont miss a beat. GASPOFFICIAL.COM
