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Скачать с ютуб Symphonic Prelude on Adeste Fidelis, by Claude T. Smith в хорошем качестве

Symphonic Prelude on Adeste Fidelis, by Claude T. Smith 4 года назад

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Symphonic Prelude on Adeste Fidelis, by Claude T. Smith

The Seacoast Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Mark Stickney, performing Claude T. Smith's Symphonic Prelude on Adeste Fidelis at the North Church of Portsmouth, NH, on Sunday December 8, 2019 The Seacoast Wind Ensemble (SWE), is a community band with approximately 55 members with diverse backgrounds serving New Hampshire, Northern MA, and Southern ME under the direction of Artistic Director, Dr. Mark Stickney, and Assistant Director, Jon Roth. For more information on SWE:
