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Скачать с ютуб WatchAdvisor @ Jaeger-LeCoultre. Eleven subscribers going analog in September 2019. в хорошем качестве

WatchAdvisor @ Jaeger-LeCoultre. Eleven subscribers going analog in September 2019. 5 лет назад

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WatchAdvisor @ Jaeger-LeCoultre. Eleven subscribers going analog in September 2019.

#jaegerlecoultre #reverso #polaris What a story! From digital to analog... In February we taped an interview with Catherine Rénier. It was Catherine's very first interview being the new CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. During the interview Catherine invited our viewers to come to Le Sentier to visit the manufacture in the Vallée de Joux in the Swiss Jura. So exactly one month ago eleven WatchAdvisor subscribers, coming from Austria, Denmark, England, France, Sweden and Switzerland, came together - literally went from digital to analog - to experience a one of a kind visit to the manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre lasting one entire day. The absolute highlight was when Jaeger-LeCoultre CEO Catherine Rénier joined us in the afternoon for a warm-hearted, extensive exchange. Curious to discover what you missed? I invite you to watch and enjoy the video and be sure to come next time when we will visit another manufacture in Switzerland and/or Germany ...
