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12 Closet transformation ideas

More details related to Closet Transformation Ideas video: Details: —————————————— 12. The Creative Closet transformation Idea from thedesigntwins (00:50) The first creative transformation idea will turn an awkward unused space into a perfect home for your clothes. Source: 11. A Custom Closet Shelving Idea (01:43) Some closets feature a smaller opening with more side space, making it hard to see and reach the clothes hanging in the corner. Source: 10. The Cedar Closet Idea (02:17) Do you have a problem with pesky moths? You may think you can deter them with mothballs. Therefore, you can try lining your closet with cedar instead. Source: 9. The IKEA Closet Hack Under $100 (03:17) If you cannot make a custom closet from scratch, you can always hack IKEA. IKEA Billy would be perfect for your closet project. Source: 8. Hide it with curtain (03:49) The first thing that comes to sight as soon as you see the closet is the doors. Therefore, if you want to transform it, you need to work on the doors. Source: 7. The Xangar spacer Organization idea (04:34) Sometimes, transforming your closet can be as simple as investing in clothes hanger spacers. Source: 6. Closet organization ideas from the Containerstore (05:17) As a good rule of thumb, if you want to make your closet look more organized, you need to take out all the clothes. Source: 5. Kid’s closet transformation (06:08) The most common problem usually found in a closet is the messy look. It happens mainly in kids' closets as the kids tend to throw and pull their T-shirts and pants from the shelves carelessly. Source: 4. Take the closet transformation inspiration from the Kindred Homestead (06:36) Tesa from the Kindred Homestead present you the next transformation idea First, she took out all the clothes and donated 60% of the clothes. Source: 3. Perfect your closet storage solution with the woodworking project (07:11) So, you do not have enough space for more shelves? What about making foldable shelves that look like a magic box? Source: 2. Closet become mudroom (07:48) Some people have a closet near the hallway to store some tools. If you also have it and do not need it anymore, you can give it a new function by transforming it into a mudroom. Source: 1. Transform your old closet with the new ways (08:35) Using cardboard boxes is a practical and inexpensive way to get rid of clutter in your closet. Unfortunately, it is not a long-term solution. Source: ----- Track: Refreshing Clarity — Artificial.Music [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch:    • Refreshing Clarity — Artificial.Music...   Free Download / Stream:
