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Скачать с ютуб Motu Patlu | मोटू पतलू | Full Episode | Motu भागा Bulb को Crown बनाकर! 💡👑 हंसी रोक पाओगे? в хорошем качестве

Motu Patlu | मोटू पतलू | Full Episode | Motu भागा Bulb को Crown बनाकर! 💡👑 हंसी रोक पाओगे? 1 день назад

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Motu Patlu | मोटू पतलू | Full Episode | Motu भागा Bulb को Crown बनाकर! 💡👑 हंसी रोक पाओगे?

Motu runs off with a bulb stuck on his head – how did this happen? Watch to find out and laugh out loud! 💡😂 Inspired from the characters of Lot Pot Comics, Motu Patlu is a lively comic caper for the kids as well as the entire family. Set in the beautiful city of Furfuri Nagariya, the story is about Motu and Patlu , who are as similar as chalk and cheese. The Awesome Twosome are always on an adventurous expedition and have an uncanny ability to get into tricky situations every single day! #motupatlu #motupatlucartoon #motupatlukijodi #motupatluHindiCartoon #newmotupatlufans #motupatlugang #MotuPatluTvShow2024 #motupatlu #motupatlucartoon #motupatlukijodi #motupatlu😝 #motupatlufan #motupatlufans #motupatlugang To watch more videos click here:    • Motu Patlu | मोटू पतलू | Full Episodes   Stay connected with us: Facebook:   / sonicgang   Twitter:   / sonicgang   Instagram:   / nickindiaofficial   Website: Subscribe to the channel:    / @sonic-gang  
