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Скачать с ютуб Amazon River Food Chain Fishing Challenge! Worms to Giant Fish! в хорошем качестве

Amazon River Food Chain Fishing Challenge! Worms to Giant Fish! 1 год назад

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Amazon River Food Chain Fishing Challenge! Worms to Giant Fish!

In the Finale of the Jungle Jeopardy series I attempt the Worlds First Amazon Jungle Food Chain Fishing Challenge! Starting with worms that we dug up from our camp, working our way up the food chain! Catching small, medium, and large baitfish.. and all sorts of crazy species along the way! It was not easy but eventually I even caught my childhood dream fish! I hope that you all enjoyed the Jungle Jeopardy Series. Be sure to subscribe with your post notifications on so you don't miss out on the other videos! Keep on fishing! ►Get The BEST Seatec Fishing Apparel! Code: Ryaniz15 to save 15% ►Gear Used: Rod: Spinning Reel: Bait Caster Reel: ►Check out Fish Colombia: ►Support My Socials! Instagram:   / ryan_izquierdo   TikTok:   / ryanizfishing   ______________________________________________________________________ For Business Inquiries ONLY Please Email: [email protected]
