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Скачать с ютуб The art of taking a break: Are the French always on vacation? • FRANCE 24 English в хорошем качестве

The art of taking a break: Are the French always on vacation? • FRANCE 24 English 7 месяцев назад

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The art of taking a break: Are the French always on vacation? • FRANCE 24 English

In this week’s show, we focus on working life in France, or rather the time that French people take off work. The French have the reputation of being on vacation a lot. Compared to other countries, France is very generous when it comes to annual leave. So what's behind this phenomenon? On top of paid holidays, there are extra days off as well. All this begs the question: how does anybody get any work done? Read more about this story in our article: 🔔 Subscribe to France 24 now: 🔴 LIVE - Watch FRANCE 24 English 24/7 here: 🌍 Read the latest International News and Top Stories: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on X (Twitter): Browse the news in pictures on Instagram: Discover our TikTok videos: Get the latest top stories on Telegram:
