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Скачать с ютуб NESO GRANDE vs. SUN NINJA (In-depth Beach Canopy Review) в хорошем качестве

NESO GRANDE vs. SUN NINJA (In-depth Beach Canopy Review) 2 года назад

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NESO GRANDE vs. SUN NINJA (In-depth Beach Canopy Review)

The large Sun Ninja and Neso Grande are the two top-selling beach canopies on AMAZON. In this review video, I set up both of these sun shades side-by-side to see how they perform in wind and rain, as well as a gorgeous day at the beach. ✔️Neso Grande 9'x9' Beach Canopy on AMAZON: ✔️Neso Grande 2 Extra Poles for a Beach Tent on AMAZON: ✔️Sun Ninja 10'x10' with Four Poles on AMAZON: ✔️Orange Screw: The Ultimate Ground Anchor (4) 9 1/2” on AMAZON: ✔️Orange Screw: The Ultimate Ground Anchor (2) 12 1/4" on AMAZON: AMAZON AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: As an Amazon Associate, when you shop through my affiliate links I provide above, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. This helps me buy more beach gear to review. Thanks! TIMESTAMPS 🕒 0:01 Sun Ninja vs Neso Grande 0:10 How to Set Up a Beach Canopy 0:33 Is the Neso and Sun Ninja the Same Thing? 0:53 How to set up a beach canopy in the wind 2:54 Best beach tent canopy for wind 3:25 Sun Ninja 4 Pole Set-Up 3:42 Neso Grande 4 Pole Set Up 4:08 Can I Use Pegs to Stake Down the Neso Grande at the Beach? 5:01 Using Stakes to Set Up the Sun Ninja 6:24 Neso Grande 9' x 9' 6:29 Sun Ninja 10' x 10' 6:37 How Many People Can Fit Under a Neso tent? 6:51 How Big is the Neso and Sun Ninja Footprint? 7:12 Which is better, the Neso Grande or the Sun Ninja? 7:23 Beach Canopy Pole Sizes 7:54 Which Beach Shade is More Water-Resistant? 8:56 What is the Largest Beach Tent? Recommended Videos: Sun Ninja Review Video:    • Sun Ninja Beach Tent (WIND TEST) Set ...   Neso Grande Review Video:    • Neso Grande Beach Tent Review | Windy...   Neso Gigante Review Video:    • NESO Gigante Beach Tent Review (Sun N...   Email me at: [email protected] If you're reading this, you rock!
