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Скачать с ютуб P-Ranked Floor 1 as the newly released Round 2 Pepperman в хорошем качестве

P-Ranked Floor 1 as the newly released Round 2 Pepperman 4 месяца назад

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P-Ranked Floor 1 as the newly released Round 2 Pepperman

This is by far the best Playable Pepperman mod to date. its super fluent in its movement and it gives every other playable Pepperman mod a run for is money. MJ Pepperman is an amazing fight and Pepperman's gimmicks in the stages are extremely fun as well. Highly recomend you give this a playthrough (Up to maybe floor 2 because afterwards everything starts to get a bit muddy, but this is still an amazing showcase) Disclaimer: Keep in mind that this is all a work and progress and this does not show the end product. Owner: Weegio This is a modded version of Pizza Tower... (No duh) The link above is for the mod used in the video (Pizza Tower Round 2 Demo), with provided instructions on how to mod it into the game...
