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Скачать с ютуб MAKE HOME SERVER FREE USING BROKEN LAPTOP OR OLD PC | टूटे पुराने लैपटॉप PC से घर पर बनाये सर्वर | в хорошем качестве

MAKE HOME SERVER FREE USING BROKEN LAPTOP OR OLD PC | टूटे पुराने लैपटॉप PC से घर पर बनाये सर्वर | 3 года назад

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MAKE HOME SERVER FREE USING BROKEN LAPTOP OR OLD PC | टूटे पुराने लैपटॉप PC से घर पर बनाये सर्वर |

Hi Everyone, In this video I am going to make a home server using my old broken laptop. This tutorial can also be used to convert old pc or computer to server. The steps are very easy to use old / broken laptop pc and make a diy project using them. The aim of my every video is to use old useless things and to make good usable things using old / broken /damaged products like mobiles / tv /pc /computer etc. Please comment and complete the target of 1000 likes on this video, if this video complete 1000 likes then I will make its part 2. In which I will discuss that how can you connect this to the internet and other features of truenas. If you have any question please feel free to comment. Visit My website: 📺Subscribe To My Channel and Get More videos like this: ➡️Share this Video:    • MAKE HOME SERVER FREE USING BROKEN LA...   ➡️Er.Vardan is an Engineer, who shares his ideas, tutorials, tips and tricks through youtube channel about Operating Systems, DIYs, and life hacks. ✅Make sure to Like, Favorite and Share this video and Subscribe if you haven't do so already at 🎬Other Videos To Watch from my channel:    / ervardan   ➡️ Hit the bell icon for instant notifications ⬇️Ask Me A Question    / ervardan   👤Connect with me:   / ervardan     / iamervardan     / iamervardan  
