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Lori Vallow trial: ‘Doomsday Mom’ digital exclusive with Justin Lum 1 год назад

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Lori Vallow trial: ‘Doomsday Mom’ digital exclusive with Justin Lum

After two weeks of witness testimony in the Lori Vallow murder trial, FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum breaks down his takeaways from key witnesses, Kay Woodcock, Melanie Gibb, Det. Nathan Duncan, Zulema Pastenes, and Colby Ryan. The so-called 'Doomsday Mom' is charged with murdering her two kids JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, along with conspiring in the murder of Tammy Daybell, the first wife of Chad Daybell who is now Lori's husband and alleged co-conspirator. Chapters: 00:02 Intro 01:20 Kay Woodcock's role in the case 06:19 Lori and Chad's affair 07:30 Chandler Police evidence 09:45 Lori Vallow allegedly thought her kids were attacked by demons 12:00 Colby Ryan confronts his mother LATEST on the trial: #fox10phoenix #lorivallow #lorivallowtrial Subscribe to FOX 10 Phoenix!    / @fox10phoenix   Watch FOX 10 Phoenix live: FOX 10 Phoenix delivers breaking news, live events, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from Phoenix, Arizona and across the nation. Watch more FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube: Lori Vallow case:    • Lori Vallow - Chad Daybell case   Arizona headlines:    • Arizona headlines (Archive 2)   National headlines:    • National headlines   Download FOX 10 Phoenix News and Weather App: Follow FOX 10 Phoenix on Facebook:   / fox10phoenix   Follow FOX 10 Phoenix on Twitter:   / fox10phoenix   Follow FOX 10 Phoenix on Instagram:   / fox10phoenix   Subscribe to FOX 10 Phoenix’s newsletters:
