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MORE BIC PENS // Drawing a portrait with ballpoint pens

I went on Amazon and bought some new BIC ballpoint pen. Since I'm excited that Inktober is coming up soon, I decided to practice a bit with my new BIC pens and drew this portrait. If you like what you see, please click on the 'like' button and remember to subscribe to see more videos If you like my art, here's where you can purchase it: If you'd like to send me some supplies to try out, please, don't hesitate. I'd be happy to make a review video. *Supplies Strathmore toned tan sketchbook: BIC Atlantis Original Retractable Fashion Ball Pen: BIC Cristal Multicolour Ballpoint Pens Wide Point: Please, note that these are Amazon affiliate links, and if you decide to purchase any of these items through them, you will help support this channel at no additional cost to you, which is greatly appreciated. Thank you. #BallpointPenPortrait #BicPenArt #BallPointArt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Website: Store: Custom animal portraits are available here: Facebook:   / sandrinesgallery   Twitter:   / sandrinecurtiss   Instagram:   / sandrinesgallery   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Music: We Could Reach by Freedom Trail Studio
