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Скачать с ютуб Announcing the Neutron Terra | James Conrad Line в хорошем качестве

Announcing the Neutron Terra | James Conrad Line 2 года назад

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Announcing the Neutron Terra | James Conrad Line

As the next disc in the James Conrad Line, the Terra is here to instill confidence, reliability, and control into your fairway driver game. With flight numbers of 8 | 5 | 0 | 3, the Terra provides the most important thing in disc golf every time you throw it: predictability. Check out what James has to say about the Neutron Terra heading your way soon! #ThrowGYRO #MVPDiscSports #JamesConrad Read the full newsletter here: Follow us on social! 📲   / mvpdiscsports     / mvpdiscsports     / mvpdiscsports  
