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Sailing a Superboat Across the Atlantic in Record Time

Even the most daunting world records are meant to be broken… eventually. For elite navigator Stan Honey and a crew of sailing all-stars, beating the prestigious monohull transatlantic sailing record was the ultimate accomplishment. And it was no easy feat. On July 22, 2016, the Comanche—a custom-built, 100-foot racing yacht—set sail from New York to the southern tip of England. Precisely five days, 14 hours, 21 minutes and 25 seconds later, the Comanche’s crew shattered the world record … by more than a day. Brave the high seas as we set sail on one of the most amazing and inspiring journeys ever to take place on film. "Comanche: Across the Atlantic" is a Great Big Film made in partnership with Land Rover ( Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at pitch [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com 📧 Get exclusive GBS items from our online store 🛒 👉 SUBSCRIBE: NOTIFICATIONS: Make sure you enable the 🔔 to get notified about our latest video publishes. SUPPORT THE CHANNEL:   / greatbigstory   Follow us on Instagram:   / greatbigstory   Check us out on TikTok:   / greatbigstory   Join us on Snapchat:   / 18450982-0867-49c9-b4ac-2a534d1c86aa   Follow us on Facebook:   / greatbigstory   Give us a shout on Twitter:   / greatbigstory   Sign up to our newsletter:
