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How to maximise your small kitchen space 3 года назад

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How to maximise your small kitchen space

The kitchen’s the heart of the home, no matter its size. If yours is on the smaller side, boost its potential with these space-saving ideas. (You'll still have to take care of the washing up and keep the takeaway menus in order though.) Visit the official B&Q YouTube channel. Here you'll find the ideas and know-how you need to make your home improvement dream a reality:    / bandq   Need a helping hand with your DIY project? We're always uploading new videos, so whatever your project, we're here to support you 24/7. Subscribe today so you don't miss out. For more advice go to To shop at B&Q go to Join the B&Q Club for exclusive offers: Like us on Facebook:   / bandq   Follow us on Twitter:   / bandq   Be inspired on Pinterest:   / bandq   Find new ideas on Instagram:   / bandq_uk  
