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4 Levels of Chips & Queso: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious

We challenged chefs of three different skill levels - amateur Desi, home cook Emily, and professional chef Saúl Montiel from Cantina Rooftop in New York - to make us their best chips and queso dip. Once each level of chef had presented their creations, we asked expert food scientist Rose to explain the choices each made along the way. Which chips and queso are you bringing to the function? Follow Desi on Instagram at @descomedy Keep up with Emily on her YouTube channel at    / emilyduncan   and on Instagram at @emilyslamduncan Keep up with chef Saúl on Instagram at @chefsaulmontiel and @CantinaRooftop Rose is on Instagram at @rosemarytrout_foodscience Director: Lisa Paradise Director of Photography: Jeremy Harris Editor: Manolo Moreno Guests: Level 1-Desi Johnson, Level 2-Emily Duncan, Level 3-Chef Saul Montiel Director of Culinary Production: Kelly Janke Producer: Tyre Nobles Culinary Producer: Jessica Do Culinary Associate Producer: Katrina Zito Line Producer: Jen McGinity Production Manager: Janine Dispensa Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes Assistant Camera: Lucas Young Sound Mixer: Rachel Suffian Production Assistant: Amanda Broll, Sahara Pagan Culinary Assistant: Leslie Raney Culinary Researcher: Vivian Jao Post Production Supervisor: Andrea Farr Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Eduardo Araújo Assistant Editor: Billy Ward Start your free trial and access over 50,000 expertly-tested recipes from Epicurious, Bon Appétit and more on the Epicurious app. Still haven’t subscribed to Epicurious on YouTube? ►► ABOUT EPICURIOUS Browse thousands of recipes and videos from Bon Appétit, Gourmet, and more. Find inventive cooking ideas, ingredients, and restaurant menus from the world’s largest food archive.
