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Скачать с ютуб How to Start A Clothing Brand with Dontez Akram and Hollywood Shack - The Ultimate Guide - Podcast! в хорошем качестве

How to Start A Clothing Brand with Dontez Akram and Hollywood Shack - The Ultimate Guide - Podcast! 2 года назад

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How to Start A Clothing Brand with Dontez Akram and Hollywood Shack - The Ultimate Guide - Podcast!

Are you interested in starting a clothing brand but don't know where to start? In this video, we'll teach you everything you need to know about starting a clothing brand with Dontez Akram and Hollywood Shack. Starting a clothing brand can be a great way to make money and reach your career goals. In this video, we'll share with you all the steps you need to take to start your own clothing brand. From creating a business plan to marketing your clothing brand, we'll cover everything in detail. So if you're interested in starting a clothing brand, then this is the video for you! In this podcast, we'll teach you everything you need to know to get started. Enjoy! In The podcast, we break down information on Shopify, Clothing Suppliers, How to execute drops, samples from overseas, Instagram/TIk Tok, and so much more! Resources: 👇👇 🤝 Work with Tony: Https:// _________ Follow us on: 👇👇 📸 My Instagram: 📸 Dontez Akram Instagram : https:// 📸 Hollywood Shack Instagram :   / hollywoodshack_   _________ 🤗 Subscribe to My Channel 👇👇    / @tunedintony  
