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Visiting the World’s Biggest IKEA! ft. Three Hours of Waiting..

Hey guys! Welcome to another casual vlog of me and my friends Joe & Lia visiting IKEA PH for the first time! Lesson from the video: If you're planning to go there, please go there AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE so you don't have to wait too long. AND have some LUMPIA! 🤗💖 *Instagram   / jessicaleeseul   *My Podcast *FAQ Age? I was born in the year of 2001, 10th, of February. Height? I’m 170cm tall. Editing Program? I use Adobe Premiere Pro. Camera? I use Canon EOS M50 (Canon 22mm, 15-45mm lens & Sigma 16mm), SONY FDR-X3000 & iPhone XR. Filipino/Korean? I’m 100% Korean, but I’ve lived in the Philippines for about 9 years. Please refer to    • Growing Up in the Philippines as a Ko...   for more info. KPOP? To make the long story short, I used to be in the KPOP industry for about 4 years. For more info, please refer to    • How I Became a KPOP Idol pt.1 나의 아이돌 ...  
