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Highlights: Bishop McLaughlin vs. American Collegiate - High School Boys Basketball 4 года назад

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Highlights: Bishop McLaughlin vs. American Collegiate - High School Boys Basketball

The Bishop McLaughlin Catholic (Spring Hill, FL) varsity basketball team won Thursday's home conference game against American Collegiate Academy (Clearwater, FL) by a score of 75-55. Official Website: Facebook:   / bishopmclaughlinathletics   Twitter:   / bmchs_athletics   Head Coach Derrick Sharp is a former American-Israeli international basketball player and coach. Sharp played with the Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball club for 15 years, spending part of the time as the team’s captain, and also later served as the team’s assistant coach under David Blatt. With Maccabi, he won a record 29 club titles. In July 2011, Sharp retired from playing professional basketball. After he retired from playing, he remained with Maccabi Tel Aviv, working as an assistant coach with the club, until August 2013. Sharp then moved to Tampa where he spent time as the Blake High School varsity basketball coach and has since made the move to join us here at Bishop. Email: [email protected] Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School Mission Statement Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School provides a Christ-centered education that nurtures the development of the whole person and prepares young men and women to meet successfully the challenges of our global society. #basketball #hoops #highschoolbasketball #sports #fullgame #highlights
