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Скачать с ютуб Why Your Knife Dulls So FAST! Proper Burr Identification And Removal в хорошем качестве

Why Your Knife Dulls So FAST! Proper Burr Identification And Removal 6 месяцев назад

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Why Your Knife Dulls So FAST! Proper Burr Identification And Removal

Why Your Knife Dulls So FAST! Proper Burr Identification And Removal. $20 Sharpening stone in video➡️ Another one I recommend ➡️ Some strop compound ➡️ Amazon affiliate links. As an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. How to identify, and remove a burr in knife sharpening, for beginners. Everything you need to know. 2 knife sharpening hacks for beginner knife sharpeners. How to sharpen a knife in 5 minutes ⬇️    • How To Sharpen A Knife In About 5 Min...   Other things I recommend ⬇️ Best first CHEAP sharpening stone (buy this stone first)⬇️ (Chinese made) But good USA made Best SECOND stone to buy⬇️ If unavailable ⬇️ Third stone⬇️ Polishing stone⬇️ Good strop compound⬇️ Don’t buy a strop, buy this instead ⬇️ My favorite knife as of NOW⬇️ ------------------------------------------ Personal statement⬇️ As an affiliate, I earn commissions from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. I bought everything in this video with my own money, and am free to link to anything I want. Recommendations, comments, and criticisms, are based on personal experience with products. At this time, (time of video upload, subject to change) I am NOT sponsored by any company, but may receive commissions after the fact. Thanks Chapters 00:00 What is a burr? 02:13 Why is burr removal important? 04:02 The sharper the knife the faster it dulls? 04:35 The first Method to burr identification 05:38 The second method for burr identification 07:06 Jewelers loupe approximate view 60x and 90x 07:53 How to reduce and remove the burr? 09:44 How to remove a burr on the stone 11:45 How to finish burr removal with a strop 15:44 What about the wood burr removal Methode? 16:53 How to implement burr removal in your sharpening fast
