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Скачать с ютуб Exclusive First Editions 24401 Daimler Fleetline London Transport (1:76 scale) Review HD в хорошем качестве

Exclusive First Editions 24401 Daimler Fleetline London Transport (1:76 scale) Review HD 10 лет назад

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Exclusive First Editions 24401 Daimler Fleetline London Transport (1:76 scale) Review HD

Here is my rather short and sweet review of the Exclusive First Editions Daimler Fleetline with Alexander bodywork in the DMO class. This is one my favourite designs from Walter Alexander (now known as Alexander-Dennis) along with the Y-Type single decker bus that I have previously covered. The model is in the London Transport 1980's colours and I believe the vehicle was new to London in the 1960's at around the time the AEC RML class Routemasters were still being built at Park Royal (quite near to where I was born) around then. Although Daimler no longer makes buses unfortunately. Daimler is still around in the form of the Daimler-Chrysler group that own many automotive companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Detroit Diesel, EMD, Caterpillar etc, Anyway sticking on topic with this model, this model was released around 1998/1998 and compared with the newer model buses that are released nowadays. This model is a bit on the basic side for detail although I do like the colour and the model is good for its age. Overall Rating: 8/10. Music that is used in the intro and the ending clips of this main video are from and is used Under Licence.
