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Top 5 Wrist Stretches to BOOST your Wrist Extension

Michelle, Hand Expert, shows you her Top 5 Stretches to BOOST your Wrist Extension after an Injury, surgery, or fracture. These wrist exercises progress from easy to hard so there is a stretch for you at any level! Come back to this video on a daily basis to do these stretches to increase your wrist extension. These follow along exercises can make daily activities easier, and get you back to doing pushups, yoga, playing your favorite sport or instrument, and so much more. RELATED VIDEOS: Best Wrist Exercises After a Fracture-    • BEST Broken wrist exercises after cas...   If you are looking for a progressive program to start mobility and strength- Phase 1-   • Eliminate Wrist Stiffness After a Wri...   Phase 2-   • Eliminate Wrist Stiffness and Improve...   Phase 3-    • Increase Wrist Strength and Stability...   ✅PROGRAMS: UNLOCKED: Fix Your Trigger Troubles- GET A GRIP: Finger Motion and Hand Strengthening Program- 30 DAY THUMBS: Thumb Arthritis Training Program- MALLET Finger Simple Self Treatment Program- ✅ SHOP MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS: ✅ VIDEO PLAYLISTS: TOP Videos for Finger Stiffness-    • TOP Videos for Finger Stiffness   TOP Videos for Wrist Stiffness-    • Top Videos for Wrist Stiffness   Top Videos for Thumb Stiffness-    • Top Videos for Thumb Stiffness   Top Videos for Elbow Stiffness-    • Top Videos for Elbow Stiffness   A small commission may be received for qualifying purchases. Thank you for supporting my channel! P.S. I appreciate every subscriber. It's free and easy to subscribe -- just click here:    / virtualhandcare   ✅ Visit me here:​​ Follow me here: Facebook:   / virtualhandcare   Instagram:   / virtualhandcare   YouTube:    / virtualhandcare   Pinterest:   / virtualhandcare   #virtualhandcare, #elbow, #handexercises, #wrist Copyright 2020 Virtual Hand Care, LLC Disclaimer This video is for educational and demonstration purposes only and is not to be used as a replacement for seeking medical advice or treatment of your condition. Virtual Hand Care, or its members, do not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. Please know that performing any exercise or program is solely at your own risk.
