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The Biggest Game Releases of November 2022

BOY! It’s November and everyone knows God Of War Ragnarok is launching this month, but what about everything else? There’s a big list of games coming to all your favorite consoles and we’re gonna tell you about them! November 3rd is the busiest launch day this month! You can check out The Chant, Die By the Blade, The Entropy Centre, From Space, Horse Tales, Kingshunt, Outshine, and WRC Generations that day. Switch owners can check out Aeterna Noctis, Harvestella, and It Takes Two on November 4th, as well as Football Manager 2023 Touch on the 8th, Smurf Karts on the 15th, and the highly anticipated Pokemon Scarlet and/or Pokemon Violet on November 18th. If you’re a PC gamer you’ll be able to play Soulstone Survivors, A Little To The Left, Football Manager 2023, Pentiment, City Bus Manager, Fabular: Once Upon a Spacetime, Shadow of the Guild, Valkyrie Elysium, Floodland, Warhammer 40k Darktide, and finally Spider-Man Miles Morales, plus a bunch of other games! PlayStation and Xbox will be getting a wide variety of games this month too so fret not. We get to go fast on November 8th with Sonic Frontiers, and on the 15th you might have a case of the Mondays so maybe check out Garfield Lasagna Party! Also coming to multiple platforms is Call of Duty Warzone 2.0, Tactics Ogre Reborn, Bravery and Greed, Goat Simulator 3, The Dark Pictures Anthology; The Devil In Me, Evel West, and still so much more! Check out this video for a full comprehensive list! #SonicFrontiers #GodOfWarRagnarok #PokemonScarletAndViolet
