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Surviving Montpellier France | My 24 Hour Guide through Montpellier

My very first experience of Montpellier France was getting off the train and imminently having a very aggressive homeless man asking for money. Things definitely got brighter from there though. Montpellier France is a city with a lot of beauty, history and with lively residences. My Airbnb was in the old town of Montpellier and it den't disappoint. Costing me only 58 Euros it was located perfectly in the center of the city. My day started in Promenade du Peyrou, a city square just near the end of old town Montpellier. Here you can find terrific views of Montpellier (highest spot in the city) along with it's ancient roman aqueducts. The Aqueduc Saint-Clement was built in 1766 to supply the cities water. From there I walked Montpellier's Arc de Triomphe. It sort of symbolizing the entrance into the historic downtown Montpellier. The old town of Montpellier is filled with bakery, shops, restaurants and never ending streets. The old building make it a must see. The Place de la Comedie is the epic center of Montpellier. A huge square where i'm sure all the city events take place. From here I went to the Polygone shopping mall and into the community of Antigone. A modern district of ancient Greek architecture. It's truly one of a kind and a must see for anyone visiting. I'll let you watch the video to see what happens next! Be sure to like the video =) Total number of views at time of upload: 845,828 Total number of subscribers at time of upload: 2893 Contact Us Email: [email protected]
