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Скачать с ютуб I Pushed Every NEW Hypercharge to 1250 Trophies to see which is best?! 🤔 (#7) в хорошем качестве

I Pushed Every NEW Hypercharge to 1250 Trophies to see which is best?! 🤔 (#7) 1 день назад

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I Pushed Every NEW Hypercharge to 1250 Trophies to see which is best?! 🤔 (#7)

We pushed EVERY New Brawler with a Hypercharge to Max Tier 50 to see which is best! We have Janet Hypercharge, Melodie Hypercharge, 8-Eve Hypercharge, Berry Hypercharge, Gray Hypercharge and Ash Hypercharge to test out! Use Creator Code BT1 to support me! Brawl Stars ► Clash ► Subscribe Here ► 0:00 - intro 0:22 - eve hypercharge push 7:55 - ash hypechage push 13:11 - gray hypercharge push 17:14 - melodie hypercharge push 21:50 - berry hypercharge push 26:21 - janet hypercharge push 30:17 - final hypercharge ranking HUGE thanks to these guys for the push help! Check them out! ‪@secondbestbs‬ Nathan - ‪@Razuen_BS‬ Tuni - ‪@chino_bs‬ —————————————————————————————— My Socials: ▶Follow me on Twitter! -   / bentimm1   ▶Follow me on Instagram -   / bentimm1   ▶Join my discord server! -   / discord   ▶Follow me on TikTok -   / bentimm1_yt   Business Email: ▶ [email protected] Tribe Gaming: ▶ YouTube:    / tribegaming   ▶ Twitter:   / tribegaming   ▶ Discord:   / discord   ▶ Instagram:   / tribegaming   ▶ TikTok:   / tribegaming   Partners: ▶ Set yourself apart from the rest, check out Samsung Galaxy: ▶ AT&T 5G. Fast. Reliable. Secure. #bentimm1 #brawlstars
