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Скачать с ютуб "Ibike" (a Kalabari praise song) by Lagos City Chorale в хорошем качестве

"Ibike" (a Kalabari praise song) by Lagos City Chorale 11 лет назад

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"Ibike" (a Kalabari praise song) by Lagos City Chorale

"Ibike" is a Kalabari composition by Dr. Oyibosiya Eberewariye that has been arranged by a number of notable musicians, including David Aina and Peter Sylvanus. This is an arrangement by Derrick Esezobor, preferred by many choristers for its diatonic harmony, which is truer to the folk style. Brief Bio from commenter: @Alpha Ivy Dr. Oyibosiya Eberewariye was a medical doctor, composer, choirmaster, and organist of Kalabari ethnic extraction. He was choirmaster of St. Cyprian Anglican Church, Hospital road, Port Harcourt is the early 1970s. He also had his own choir at the time.
