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Stone Tools Unlock secrets Of Early Man

The making of stone tools is a characteristic that archaeologists use to define what is human.One wintry day, two keen fossil collectorsfound a flint beneath a cliff. It didn't look like much, but it turned out to be evidence for the earliest humans in Britain. They found a total of 32 flint tools in a fossil-rich seam at Pakefield. They say it represents the earliest unequivocal evidence of human activity in northern Europe. Late in 2001, Paul Durbidge and Bob Mutch hit the jackpot: during an excavation, they found a small flint flake. To any other lay man, it's just a chip of stone, the sort of thing you might remove out of your sandal. But the two friends saw it for what it was: a diamond amid dross. That little chip of flint had been shaped by the hand of one of the very first Europeans. After dating the tools to 7,00,000 years ago, this new research shows early humans were living in Britain around 700,000 years ago, substantially earlier than had previously been thoughtpushing back the date of arrival of early humans in northern Europe by 200,000 years.Until this find, it was thought that humans arrived in northern Europe 500,000 years ago, after archaeologists unearthed a shin bone and two incisor teeth along with a number of flint tools at Boxgrove in southern England. #stonetools #earlieststonetools Halabella II -    / @halabellaii2914   Merch -    / @halabella6   Cell it -    / @cellit7868   Instagram - halabella01 Subscribe guys to support us . Thanks halabella does not own the rights to these videos and pictures. If any content owners would like their images to be given credit, please email us at [email protected]
