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Why Is Battlefield 1 SO AWESOME?!

Battlefield 1 is an interesting specimen in the modern era of gaming. A time period no triple A developer had dared to go, a premise some would say is foolish, and the brand of one of the biggest First-Person Shooters ever. So how did it turn out? Well, let's find out.... SUPPORT the Channel ►   / theactman   ___TIME STAMPS___ Cheesy Opening Skit - 0:00 Introduction - 1:20 Historical Value - 4:30 War Stories - 13:26 Multiplayer - 25:05 Extra Features, Loot Boxes, Etc - 33:26 Conclusion - 38:41 Why Are Gamers Upset With Battlefield 5? ►    • Why Are Gamers Upset With Battlefield 5?   AWESOME!? Game Reviews ► BAD?! Game Reviews ► ✪ CONNECT WITH ME ✪ Subscribe ↪ Twitter ➤   / theactman_yt   Act Man TV ➤ Discord ➤   / discord   Instagram ➤   / theactman_yt   Xbox Live Gamertag ➤ The Act Man Special thanks to DDLitch for helping with the thumbnail!
