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This was NOT supposed to happen.. (Building in Bali)

I am building my dream home in Bali Indonesia but things are not going fully to plan. This is the story of Lost Villa. Get exclusive Lost Villa and Villas content: Learn how YOU can build your own social media empire and join our fam of 5000 creators! Shoutout to the legends making this project a reality Architect & Designer Stefan - @Singleart - Contractor Fatin - @bingkailangitkonstruksi -   / bingkailangitkonstruksi   Landscaper Anton - @balilandscapecompany -   / balilandscapecompany   Stone Artisans -   / mm.galleri   Watch the entire Lost Villa Construction Playlist:    • Building my Bali Villa   Instagram   / lostleblanc   TikTok Lost LeBlanc All copyright free music used in this video comes from here: (1 month free with Epidemic Sound)
