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Скачать с ютуб Tie Dye Yarn| My first attempt at speckled yarn! в хорошем качестве

Tie Dye Yarn| My first attempt at speckled yarn! 3 года назад

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Tie Dye Yarn| My first attempt at speckled yarn!

In this week's episode I'm using a tie dye kit to dye my bare yarn; let's see how this goes... HI, I’m Kim Wilpon and welcome to my channel. Here on Kim Wilpon Crafts we discuss, discover, create, and celebrate all forms of crafting. I started this channel as a way to build community with fellow crafters. I love to discover new crafts and show you how simple and accessible crafting can be. I hope you’ll share your joy of crafting here. Kim Wilpon: Crafter, Co-Editor, and Co-Producer: IG: @kimwilponcrafts Twitch: @KimWilponCrafts –   / kimwilponcrafts   TT: @KimWilponCrafts Zack Wilpon: Editor and Co-Producer: IG: @zwilponcolor #yarn #tiedye #tiedyeyarn Clips: The Good Place Muffins- LiamKyleSullivan
