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Скачать с ютуб Samsung S25 Ultra - is HERE, FINALLY (IT’S OFFICIAL) в хорошем качестве

Samsung S25 Ultra - is HERE, FINALLY (IT’S OFFICIAL) 2 дня назад

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Samsung S25 Ultra - is HERE, FINALLY (IT’S OFFICIAL)

samsung s25 ultra new look is out #s25ultra #galaxys25ultra #samsunggalaxys25ultra Today we will talk about: samsung s25 ultra, s25 ultra, galaxy s25 ultra and everything related to galaxy s25 ultra design, s25 ultra internals Samsung S25 Ultra - The design is confirmed for s25 ultra. Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra - Samsung's new design is out for s25 ultra. There are bunch of updates in the design of s25 ultra. Mainly the camera design is changed for the s25 ultra. Also, there is a major design change from the edges on s25 ultra. Along with a design, we got a some special news about the wireless charging of s25 ultra. Including there is another big news about the price of s25 ultra. Hope you like this video Like and subscribe to this channel for more videos By DKHD
