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Скачать с ютуб Nat Sherman Timeless Collection No. 2 is Cigar Aficionado's No. 10 cigar of 2012 в хорошем качестве

Nat Sherman Timeless Collection No. 2 is Cigar Aficionado's No. 10 cigar of 2012 11 лет назад

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Nat Sherman Timeless Collection No. 2 is Cigar Aficionado's No. 10 cigar of 2012

Gordon Mott and David Savona smoke the number 10 cigar of 2012 For the first time ever a Nat Sherman cigar has placed in our Top 25. The landmark is a sign of the newfound energy and commitment Nat Sherman has made to its cigar brand. Nat Sherman cigars have been around almost as long as the Nat Sherman store in New York City, which opened its doors (albeit in a different location than where it stands now) in 1930. In recent years, the brand had fallen on hard times, and was distributed by a third party and found in many catalogues, often selling at a deep discount. In 2011, Nat Sherman decided to create a new cigar brand, and after testing several blends made by a host of manufacturers it settled on the one rolled in Santiago, Dominican Republic, by Manuel Quesada. The blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos combine for solid notes of cedar and espresso, along with hints of dark chocolate and nutmeg. This is the best Nat Sherman cigar ever tasted by Cigar Aficionado, and a sign of the 83-year-old company's newfound devotion to its brand.
