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15 Signs You're An Extroverted Introvert 4 года назад

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15 Signs You're An Extroverted Introvert

If you like psychology, you're probably familiar with the terms introvert vs extrovert vs ambivert. But "extroverted introvert?" - you may ask. It may sound confusing at first. But, whenever you read or hear about being an introvert, does it feel like it's describing you? While some aspects of introversion don't apply to you at all?! Well, these are signs you're an extroverted introvert! Yep, you can be an introvert while having an outgoing, extroverted personality. Just as you like to be alone and feel drained after socializing, you still enjoy and seek out the company of others. But unlike extroverts, you need time between socializing. It's important to note that there's no right or wrong way to experience introversion. We all act introverted sometimes, and extroverted at others. It's all about understanding your personal needs and doing what makes you feel comfortable. OTHER VIDEOS YOU WILL ENJOY: Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert - Which One Are You:    • Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert - ...   Early Birds vs Night Owls - Explained:    • Early Birds vs Night Owls - Explained   The 9 Types Of Intelligence - What Your Talents Reveal About You:    • Видео   ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER:   / brainydose   FACEBOOK:   / brainydose   INSTAGRAM:   / brainydose   Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose ------------------------------------------------------------------
