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What's in an OP? - Cory in the House 8 лет назад

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What's in an OP? - Cory in the House

A way too deep analysis of Anime openings. This week: the one, the only コーリー ホワイトハウスでチョー大変! Support me on Patreon:   / mothersbasement   Thumbnail art by Amanda Thompson:   / athompsonart   Subscribe to Mother's Basement for anime and gaming videos every week: Validate me! Follow me on twitter:   / g0ffthew   Also on facebook:   / mothersbasementofficial   And check out my Steam Curator page: and the new Mother's Basement Subreddit:   / mothersbasement   Music used: Cory in the House theme by Wagner コーリー ホワイトハウスでチョー大変! created by studio Gainax based on an original premise by Hideo Kojima. Series licensed for distribution in north america by Buena Vista Entertainment and Disney XD. April fools, BTW. As a reward for reading the description, skip to the ending gag: 8:19
