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Скачать с ютуб Pat Caddell Speaks Out and Makes HUGE Splash at CPAC 2014 в хорошем качестве

Pat Caddell Speaks Out and Makes HUGE Splash at CPAC 2014 10 лет назад

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Pat Caddell Speaks Out and Makes HUGE Splash at CPAC 2014

PolitiChicks reporter Michelle Moons grabbed this video of Pat Caddell at CPAC 2014 and it quickly made major news. began as a 2012 weekly web series with an evolving/changing variety of anchors. They covered politics and current events, meant to inspire, inform and entertain. It's the Conservative answer to 'The View'. Today it is a respected go-to website in New Media, led by owners Ann-Marie Murrell and Morgan Brittany. Follow daily Follow us:   / politichicks     / thepolitichicks   Shop:
