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Скачать с ютуб [生酮食譜]生酮蔥油餅 в хорошем качестве

[生酮食譜]生酮蔥油餅 3 года назад

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Do you miss the mouthwatering green onion pancakes?This is the easiest keto green onion pancake recipe you can find online .Come try it now. 想念聞到香味就流口水的蔥油餅嗎?這是你在網路上找到的最簡單的生酮蔥油餅食譜,馬上試看看! Chinese green onion pancake also known as scallion pancake or Congyoubing is one of the famous and traditional Chinese street foods and ideal Chinese breakfast. Those crispy and aroma pancakes are available all around Chinese area. I love to eat green onion pancake. But the normal pancake is made of high carb ingredients,I can’t eat it.Now I use low carb ingredients to make the keto green onion pancake,I finally can eat it.Watch the video,and make it step by step.You’ll find making your own green onion pancake at home is easy and enjoyable.The recipe is completely healthy and yummy.Go ahead to try it now! 只要是華人,就必定吃過蔥油餅!蔥油餅的的麵團主要為麵粉跟豬油揉製而成(雖然豬油是好油,但這樣吃太多就很不好),一個麵糰加上油的重量最少有80~100克,捍好後的麵糰吃之前還要再加一點油揉開來,再丟進油鍋裡煎炸(油),這過程最少要吃下20~30cc左右的油。(而且麵糰就是精緻澱粉,是最容易胖的食物).....所以一片熱量為約520卡(嚇人的高) 重點是~~~~~~只吃一片根本不會飽! 蔥油餅的組合因為是精緻碳水化合物跟大量的油脂,這兩種類型的食物合在一起是最容易發胖的食物組合。但是減肥如果什麼都不能吃也太痛苦了,現在我設計用低醣食材來製作這個生酮蔥油餅,不僅健康,熱量較低,重點是比普通版的蔥油餅更簡單製作! 跟著影片製作,你將獲得簡單.健康及夢寐以求的美味,趕快~~~~現在馬上動手做吧! #中英字幕 English Subtitle 材料: 無麩質 (no gluten) Low - carb 1. 杏仁粉15克 2. 黃金亞麻子粉20克 3. 洋車前子粉5克 4. 鹽1/8茶匙 5. 泡打粉1/4茶匙 6. 豬油(紅蔥豬油)15克 7. 水90cc 8. 蔥花20克 Ingredients: (no gluten) 1. 15g almond flour 2. 20g golden flax seeds powder 3. 5g syllium husk powder (finely grounded) 4. 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt 5. 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder 6. 15g lard (with cooked shallots)(olive oil is ok) 7. 90 ml water 8. 20g green onion ,finely chopped 營養標示 Nutrition Facts 碳水Carb 9.9 蛋白質Protein 7.2 脂肪Fat 27 纖維Fiber 7.2 熱量Calories 300Kcal 【我喜愛的YouTube美食頻道】 辣媽,薩姐的南腔北調,夢幻廚房在我家,Kye’s kitchen,小岱 Toi's Baking,生酮小屋, Summer低碳生活记录, SinSin7Kitchen 仙仙厨房,明玥美食, 美食彩味, 天天相見廚房, 玲子廚房, 老東北美食, 小穎美食, 冯小厨, 小英新食尚, 家常菜日记, 我是马小坏, qistin wong tv, 水大叔, 妙招姐, 美食煮艺, 美食作家王刚, 吃货爱做饭, 小高姐的 Magic Ingredients, 美食達人計劃, 好易煮 oe cook, 彩虹小厨, Chef Chu's Kitchen, 職人吹水, 越煮越好, 素食好煮意, 야미보이 Yummyboy, Jeff & Oi Kuen Cooking, 點 Cook Guide, 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung, SIMON廚房, *這是我的第一部中英雙語字幕影片 感謝大家的觀看,你的點贊,留言(評論),訂閱都是我繼續創作的動力 如果有如何問題都歡迎大家在評論區給我留言,我會盡所能去回答 Thank you for watching. Your likes, comments, and subscriptions are my motivation to continue. If you have any questions, please leave me a message in the comment area, and I will try my best to answer. 如果喜歡我的影片,請別忘按讚 訂閱 及留言喔~ 謝謝! Thank you for watching. If you like my video, don't forget to click like, comment, and subscribe! FB 粉絲專頁:淳手藝Artistry•品味生活   / %e6%b7%b3%e6%89%8b%e8%97%9dartistry%e5%93%...  
