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James Kaplan - Part 1, The Drexel InterView (Season 13) 8 лет назад

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James Kaplan - Part 1, The Drexel InterView (Season 13)

This is the first part of a two-part interview focusing on the life and career of cultural icon Frank Sinatra, as told by acclaimed biographer and character journalist James Kaplan. Kaplan is a writer and expert on all things Sinatra, as detailed in his two volumes: "Frank: The Voice" and "Sinatra: The Chairman." In this episode, Kaplan highlights "Frank: The Voice," discussing Sinatra’s formative years, his tremendous early success, a career slump, and his comeback. Throughout this compelling conversation, the author shares rare anecdotes and insight into Sinatra’s complex public persona and stardom. Recorded December 10, 2015 at the Anthony J. Drexel Picture Gallery, Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA, USA).
