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Supermarket VS Chinese soy sauce TASTE TEST (light and dark)

Today we're taste testing the difference in soy sauce sauce, is there a difference between supermarket bought soy sauce and the brands that the Chinese takeaways and restaurants use. How much difference in taste there is and can you tell. In this experiment, we testing blind, we have no idea which soy sauce is which, all we're going by is which we prefer the taste of, not which we think is which brand, we felt that would get in the way of actually testing the flavour of the soy sauces. Lee Kum Kee soy sauce is used a lot in Chinese Takeaways and is one of our preferred brands, the soy sauce brands that takeaways will use are Pearl river bridge and amoy. This taste test make us wonder is lee kum kee soy sauce best, or are the other better. Picking a soy sauce is really important in Chinese cooking and it's important in learning how to cook Chinese food at home, especially if you're wanting to cook the best Chinese Takeaway or Chinese Takeout recipes. Knowing the difference between light and dark is key to good Chinese cooking too. Dark soy sauce is sweeter and mainly used for colour, where light soy sauce is stronger in soy and salt and used for flavour. Many people ask us "is light soy sauce diet soy sauce" the answer to that is no. He hope you enjoy our review of these soy sauces. Our main channel:    / ziangsfoodworkshop   Visit our webstore to buy our cookbook, which is out
ow! Visit our webstore to buy products or to register interest in our cookbook Becoming a patreon would help us out so much to us becoming full time, link here   / ziangs     / chin_ziangs     / chinandchoo     / ziangsw   Quick sweet & sour sauce:    • Ziangs: quick sweet and sour recipe b...  Takeaway sweet and sour sauce:    • How to make genuine Chinese takeaway ...  Here are links to products we recommend and that we use in our videosAmazon AffiliatesWok, good all round non-stick: Cast Iron wok: end wok we use at home: of wok that a takeaway would use flat base: of wok that a takeaway would use round base (this is what most takeaways use): kind of cooking utensil for use with non-stick woks: kind of cooking utensils for use with an iron woks (used in takeaways): clever (we use a lot): meat clever (the ones all takeaways use): clever we love (personal use): https://amzn.to11/2CDX31hHeavy duty wood chopping board: rice cooker 0.8 litres: Rice cooker (if your serious about Oriental cooking a rice cooker is a must): sauce pot for making pastes: for making batches for sauces: takeaway containers so you can pot them up like a real takeaway: takeaway containers so you can pot them up like a real takeaway: handle spider skimmer for taking things out of hot water or oil: Thermometer:
