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Trailer Restoration - Repair and Restoration of my old Trailer

Trailer Restoration - Repair and Restoration of my old Trailer If you want more of these videos and support our project, then you can become my Patreon:  / mwig   It is no secret that any housewifely man should have at least one trailer or a scamp. I had such a trailer, vintage trailer, but his condition made me want the best. My friends and neighbors constantly borrowed it from me and returned it with scratches and not in the best condition. I wanted to buy a new trailer, but after seeing the prices, I quickly changed my mind. I decided to give a second chance and a second life to my old trailer, so my camper trailer rebuild project was started. In this video, I will share with you my little trailer recovery project. The restoration of the trailer was very interesting and the result exceeded my expectations. Of course, I will be very happy to read your comments and listen to your opinion. Don't forget to like and share the video. And if you have not had time to subscribe to the channel, I advise you to do it immediately))) respectfully MWIG
