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Скачать с ютуб Salt and Pepper Squid || Salt and Pepper Calamari в хорошем качестве

Salt and Pepper Squid || Salt and Pepper Calamari 2 года назад

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Salt and Pepper Squid || Salt and Pepper Calamari

INGREDIENTS : 280 grms squid Dash of pepper and salt 1 tbsp rice wine 1 egg 2 tbsp cornstarch 4 tbsp tapioca starch Some tapioca starch (for coating) Oil for frying OTHER INGREDIENTS 1 tsp cooking oil 4 cloves of garlic minced 2 tbsp red bell pepper diced 2 tbsp green bell pepper diced Spring onion finely chopped ¼ tsp salt ½ tsp white pepper powder ½ tsp garlic salt powder 📌You may adjust your seasonings according to your taste. Thank you for watching, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe and hit the notification bell for more updated videos🙏
