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Original Theatrical Trailer | The Yellow Cab Man | Warner Archive

The Yellow Cab Man (1950) #WarnerArchive #WarnerBros #TheYellowCabMan Sheer, utter madness is the order of the day in this laugh riot on wheels that features one of America's all-time favorite funnymen, Red Skelton. In a story ranging from the weird to the whimsical, Skelton plays "Red," an accident-prone inventor of safety gadgets (no one can bump his head any funnier) who winds up driving a cab to prove the worth of his latest brainchild, Elastiglass. But while he is falling in love with the cab company's claims adjuster (Gloria De Haven), a crooked lawyer (Edward Arnold) and a phony psychiatrist (Walter Slezak) are plotting to steal his secret formula. One attempt results in a hilarious truth-serum sequence that sends Red back to the playpen and his famous "mean widdle kid" characterization. Climaxed by a frenzied free-for-all chase inside a home-show exposition - complete with a rotating house-of-the-future gone berserk - The Yellow Cab Man features Red Skelton's broad brand of comedy at its wacky best. Directed By Jack Donohue Starring Red Skelton, Gloria DeHaven, Walter Slezak Subscribe to watch more Warner Archive videos: FOLLOW WARNER ARCHIVE ON SOCIAL Facebook:   / warnerarchive   Instagram:   / warnerarchive   Twitter:   / warnerarchive   ABOUT WARNER ARCHIVE Warner Archive Collection is a branch of Warner Bros home entertainment that releases classic films and TV that were previously unreleased. Thousands of Films, TV movies and series on Blu-ray and DVD direct from the studio. WAC started as a MOD (manufactured on demand) eCommerce business in 2009 and have released over 2,500 titles spanning from the 1920s to present with distribution outlets that now include wholesale, licensee, and retail partners. Available at Warner Archive    / warnerarchive  
