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Скачать с ютуб The Xpeng X9 Isn't A Van, It's A Spaceship в хорошем качестве

The Xpeng X9 Isn't A Van, It's A Spaceship 11 месяцев назад

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The Xpeng X9 Isn't A Van, It's A Spaceship

The XPeng X9 is an electric MPV with 500 HP, rear steer, and air suspension. Want to buy a Chinese car? Email us at [email protected] (service not available in US and Canada due to import regulations). Download our smart TV app to watch all our videos on your smart TV! Amazon: LG: Follow us! IG: @wheelsboy_auto TikTok: @wheelsboy_auto FB:   / wheelsboyglobal   Website: Also check out our other channels! Wheelsboy Chat:    / @wheelsboychat   Wheelsboy Русская версия:    / @wheelsboy8640   Wheelsboy العربية :    / @wheelsboy_arabic  
